Legal Notice

Address : Route de Fontanivent 57, Brent 1817, Suisse
Director of publication: Nina Muller

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Design & development : Agence SIMIA
Siret : 94839505800019

Terms and conditions of use

The purpose of this document is to define the terms and conditions under which, on the one hand, One Sphere makes its website and the services offered therein available to users, and on the other hand, the manner in which users access and use these services. Any connection to the site implies unreserved acceptance of the conditions described below.
1 - Intellectual property
The general design of the website, as well as the texts, illustrations, graphics, sounds and videos it includes, are the exclusive property of the publisher or its partners. Any reproduction, representation or use, whether partial or total, of the content and services offered by the site, by any process whatsoever, without the prior written authorization of Mrs Nina Muller and/or her partners, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
2 - Hypertext links
The website may include links to other websites. If you click on these links, you will leave the site. We recommend that you open these links in a new browser window. One Sphere reserves the right to request the removal of any link it deems inappropriate or inconsistent with the purpose of the .
3 - Responsibility of the publisher
The information and documents presented on this site come from sources considered reliable. However, they may contain technical or typographical errors. One Sphere reserves the right to correct such errors as soon as they are brought to its attention. You are advised to check the accuracy and relevance of the information and documents provided on this site. Such information and documents may be modified at any time and may have been updated between the time they were downloaded and the time the user becomes aware of them. Use of the information and documents available on this site is the sole responsibility of the user, who assumes all possible consequences, without recourse against One Sphere. Under no circumstances may One Sphere be held liable for any damage resulting from the interpretation or use of the information and documents available on this site.
4 - Site access
One Sphere endeavours to maintain access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure or circumstances beyond its control, as well as during breakdowns and maintenance operations necessary for the proper functioning of the site and its services. Consequently, One Sphere cannot guarantee uninterrupted availability of the site and/or services, or the reliability of transmissions and performance in terms of response time or quality. No technical assistance is provided for the user, either electronically or by telephone. The publisher cannot be held liable for any inability to access the site and/or use the services. In addition, One Sphere may interrupt the site or any part of the services at any time, without notice or compensation. The user acknowledges and accepts that One Sphere shall not be held liable for any such interruptions and the consequences thereof for the user or any third party.
5 - Modification of conditions of use
One Sphere reserves the right to change these terms of use at any time and without notice, in order to adapt them to changes in the site and/or its management.
6 - Internet usage rules
The user accepts the specificities and limits inherent to the Internet, and understands that One Sphere cannot be held responsible for services accessible online, nor can it control the nature and characteristics of data circulating on its server. The user is aware that data exchanged over the Internet is not necessarily protected against potential misappropriation. The transmission of any information that the user considers sensitive or confidential is at the user's own risk. Furthermore, the user acknowledges that data on the Internet may be subject to usage regulations or protected by property rights. The user is solely responsible for the use of data consulted, queried and transferred over the Internet. The user accepts that One Sphere has no control over the content of services available online.
6 - Internet usage rules
The site and the terms and conditions of its use are governed by Swiss law, regardless of where it is used. If you have any questions about the terms and conditions of use of this site, please contact

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